March 14, 2009

Audit the Fed - Letter to your Representative on H.R. 1207

Found this letter written By WarningSLO on Campaign For Liberty Blog.   I share it as example letter for you to send to your representatives in congress. 
Dear Congressman / Congresswoman / XXX,
I urge you to read, co-sponsor, and support H.R. 1207. This bill, which takes only a few minutes to read, will bring increased transparency and congressional oversight to the Federal Reserve.
At a time when
there has been extensive debate and political grandstanding about the bailout, stimulus, and budget bills passed by congress, there has been little discussion about the trillions and trillions of dollars being lent out by the Federal Reserve. This money is essentially backed by the American taxpayer, and yet the current rules on auditing the Federal Reserve are insufficient in telling us where that money is going.
Whether you agree with trying to 'save' the economy with taxpayer money or not, you must agree that there should be transparency and accountability with regards to where that money is being spent. A lack of support for this bill would represent a desire to continue Washington's culture of secrecy and  continue the status quo of behind-closed-doors dealmaking.
I look forward to seeing your name on the list of co-sponsors for H.R. 1207. And if you choose not to support this bill, I would enjoy reading your explanation as to why you support government secrecy and out-of-control, unrestrained lending by the Federal Reserve.

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